LEVILO - Verein für ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit
Non-profit association
Graz (Austria)
Headquarters: 8010 Graz
Ruckerlberggasse 13 | Austria
Tel: +43 720 51 54 03
E-Mail: hello(at)levilo.team
Competent association authority: Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark, SVA 3
ZVR: 1957102350
IBAN: AT98 3836 7000 0103 4842
Member of WKÖ, WKST, branch information and consulting
This is the website of LEVILO - Verein für ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit
Copyright and Liability:
The contents of this website were created with the greatest possible care and in compliance with the rights (e.g. copyright) of third parties. Although this website is regularly checked for topicality, completeness and correctness, this cannot be guaranteed. We therefore request that you contact us directly in the event of any uncertainties. Liability for the contents of this website and in particular the links set is only assumed within the framework of § 17 ECG. The links are also set and checked with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the linked page will not change without our knowledge and intervention.
At the time of linking, these links were in conformity with the law. Should we be made aware of a legal problem, the link in question will be removed immediately. The content on this website was either created by us or we have the exploitation rights to the content. Any use of the contents (in particular also pictures on the website) without our express consent is not permitted. The website is subject to Austrian law. The place of jurisdiction is the competent court in Graz, Austria.
You can also send any complaints to the above e-mail address.